UofT LTRI Mount Sinai Sicheri Lab Home Page
Dept of Biochem Dept of Molecular Genetics








ProteoSync is a sequence alignment tool created by Elliot Sicheri that allows comparison and visualization of protein sequence conservation across a wide range of selectable species.

The program outputs a detailed sequence alignment, including clustalw conservation scores and the option to align sequences with both solved and predicted structures. It also generates a PyMOL script file that projects conservation scores onto a 3D model.

Left: Alignment output for the human tumour suppressor protein FBW7. Right: Conservation scores projected onto residues 222-707 of the AlphaFold preditcted structure of FBW7, with and without visible surfaces enabled. Darker colors correspond to higher conservation. A hot spot of conservation on the WD40 repeat domain of FBW7 identifies the functionally important degron binding pocket.

Download for Mac:

Download ProteoSync.zip

Included in this .zip file are the executable, species and pdb sequence databases, and instructions for installation, use, and database modification.


For help, questions/inquiries and bug reports, please email elliot.sicheri@mail.utoronto.ca, I'll try to respond as soon as possible!