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Bremner Lab


Mahima Agochiya 

Mahima has lead a nomadic life. Born and brought up in India, she moved to London to do her bachelors degree in human genetics from the university of London. 4 years later she was lured by the beauty of Scotland and decided to explore its various Lochs'('Scottish' for lakes) and Bens' ('Scottish' for mountains- mind you, it did take her while to figure out that Ben wasn't a guy who everybody kept taking about anytime they wanted to go hill walking!). To provide money for her living expenses, she started a PhD project with Dr. Margaret Frame at the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, Glasgow. After surviving 3 years of Haggis eating (only the fake veggie version), pub-crawls and brawls, hill-walking and a couple of flying lessons (this was the best part), she decided to move on. But first came the painful task of writing up the thesis, after which she was granted the release papers i.e. the degree! Los Angeles was the next brief stop for a short post doc. Unfortunately, the la-la land of Hollywood proved too much for the poor girl and she decided to return to the arms of the Queen, taking up a post doc in Prof Bill Richardson's lab at the Wolfson institute, University of London. It was while she was in London that her gypsy life came to a screeching (and screaming) halt as she took the solemn vow to spend the rest of her life with Rajeev, her husband. Like a perfect Indian wife, she left her job and friends in London to join Rajeev in Toronto. Here, she was held a political prisoner for 8 months while the Canadian bureaucrats took their time to grant her the privilege of enjoying Canadian life- most of all, the right to work! Armed with her newly found freedom, she walked into Rod's lab, only to be chained to her bench. Last seen, she was slicing and dicing mice to satisfy Rod's insatiable hunger for retina tumors!




/ Research Staff / Mahima Agochiya