High-Throughput Imaging Facility at Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute



Live cells and biohazardous samples are only permitted into the facility upon approval. Please see relevant “Safety” section for more information.


Only trained users may use equipment in the Optima Facility. After-hours use is permitted for experienced users.


Please turn off all illumination sources once you are finished with your session (unless the next user is physically there).


For users external to MSH, access during off-peak periods can be discussed; please contact OPTIMA for access, rates and other information.

LTRI Internal Rates (per hour) System
$17.50 Nikon Confocal (MSH), Spinning disc Confocal (Orde)
$15.00 Deltavision Decon (MSH), Leica confocal (MSH), Olympus BX61/Stereology (Orde)
$12.50 Olympus upright (MSH) Optigrid inverted (Orde)
$ 2.50 All other basic OPTIMA microscope systems
$40.00 Training
$65.00 Staff Assisted imaging
$ 2.00 Analysis Workstation
FREE Advice