We prefer a single image which can include multiple channels merged; any colour table is acceptable.
Please forward your high resolution image (maximum of 5 MB) to along with as much of the following information:
      2-Title, eg. “Fibroblast cytoskeleton”
      3-Sample type, eg. “cultured fibroblast activated with TNF”
      4-Fluorochromes/Stains, eg. vimentin-green, phalloidin-red.
      5-Imaging System/location, eg. Olympus-Upright/MSH ; Spinning disk/Orde; Nikon confocal/MSH.
      6-Lens, eg. 40x oil.
      7-imaged area (do not embed scale bar), eg. 100 um for x-axis field.
      8-Date collected.
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