Olympus BX61 Histology/Stereology

Olympus BX61 Histology
This is an excellent histology station using Olympus intuitive CellSens software. The fully motorized microscope is also well integrated with Visiopharm’s NewCAST/VisioMorph stereology and image analysis. Images for analysis can be acquired on the microscope or imported from a compatible slide scanner. The Oil 1.4 NA top condenser lens matches NA of best objectives, enables acquisition of higher resolution images in the bright field light path.

Location 6-1001-2 (Microscope Room A)
System Type Histology, stereology and image analysis, colour camera
Model Olympus BX61, Visiopharm Sereology and Image Analysis
Microscope Olympus BX61 upright, fully motorized
Lenses Dry 2/0.08, 10/0.4, 20/0.75, 40/0.95, Oil 60/1.35, 100/1.4
Vibration isolation Yes
Stage Motorized xyz, Multislide holder, Software-integrated
Z-focus microscope and autofocus capable
Illumination Hallogen 12V100W
Filtering DIC and BF
Detector CCD Colour Camera Olympus DP72
Pinhole -
Software Olympus CellSens, Visiopharm's NewCAST and Visiomorph/ Win XP32
Offline analysis Vsiopharm's Stereology and Image analysis on virtual slides from any scanner
Other features The highest BF resolution with 1.4NA oil condenser, Fluorescence capable